【 在 badu (badu) 的大作中提到: 】
: 虎扑5月20日讯 皇马主帅齐达内在赛后采访中谈到了最近饱受争议的球队前锋贝尔,
: 齐达内表示:“贝尔在这里赢得了很多,但我们必须为现在和未来而活,我们不能忘
记过去,但我们必须往前走。”(He (Bale) has won a lot here but we live for
the present and the future. We will not forget the past but we have to live
for the day today.)
: “最近几周我更多依靠其他球员,就算有第四个换人名额,我也不会让他上。”(I
have counted on other players in more in recent weeks, and if I had a fourth
substitute today I would not have brought him on.)
: ...................
FROM 223.71.139.*