- 主题:马拉多纳能拿几个金球
【 在 Tubaobao (珍爱生活远离水木) 的大作中提到: 】
: 毛用也没
: 德罗巴马赫雷斯逆袭了欧冠 联赛 非洲杯冠军捞到啥了
FROM 223.104.3.*
【 在 spritesw (spritesw) 的大作中提到: 】
: 亚洲人没戏
: 如果孙是欧洲人
: 今年绝对前十
: ...................
FROM 210.72.20.*
【 在 freesoul (灵魂浪子) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: 马拉多纳能拿几个金球
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Dec 4 17:14:59 2019), 站内
: 其实90/91赛季马特乌斯达到个人数据巅峰,场均有0.5球的样子,个人表现真不差,只是缺
: 杯子,所以也不能说这个先生完全靠惯性
: 【 在 iloverock (总是缺钱花) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 嗯,马特乌斯靠声望还混了个91首届先生吧,其实那年一般...90怎么看都是他的,而且优势巨大
: --
: ※ 来源:·水木社区 newsmth.net·[FROM: 113.208.128.*]
To coincide with the 60th anniversary of the Ballon d'Or in 2016, France Football published a reevaluation of the awards presented before 1995, when only European players were eligible to win the award. 12 out of the 39 Ballons d'Or presented during this time period would have been awarded to South American players; in addition to Pelé and Diego Maradona, Garrincha, Mario Kempes, and Romário were retrospectively recognized as worthy winners. The original recipients, however, remain unchanged.
Le nouveau palmarès (internationalized reevaluation)
Year Original winner Alternative
1958 France Raymond Kopa Brazil Pelé
1959 Spain Alfredo Di Stéfano Brazil Pelé
1960 Spain Luis Suárez Brazil Pelé
1961 Italy Omar Sívori Brazil Pelé
1962 Czechoslovakia Josef Masopust Brazil Garrincha
1963 Soviet Union Lev Yashin Brazil Pelé
1964 Scotland Denis Law Brazil Pelé
1970 West Germany Gerd Müller Brazil Pelé
1978 England Kevin Keegan Argentina Mario Kempes
1986 Soviet Union Igor Belanov Argentina Diego Maradona
1990 Germany Lothar Matth?us Argentina Diego Maradona
1994 Bulgaria Hristo Stoichkov Brazil Romário
【 在 watersmile (随心走) 的大作中提到: 】
: 按现在的条件的话,视乎86年,89年比较稳,其他年都不好说。
FROM 180.162.20.*
【 在 freeguy () 的大作中提到: 】
: 法国足球重评过的
: To coincide with the 60th anniversary of the Ballon d'Or in 2016, France Football published a reevaluation of the awards presented before 1995, when only European players were eligible to win the award. 12 out of the 39 Ballons d'Or presented during this time period would have been awarded to South American players; in addition to Pelé and Diego Maradona, Garrincha, Mario Kempes, and Romário were retrospectively recognized as worthy winners. The original recipients, however, remain unchanged.
: Le nouveau palmarès (internationalized reevaluation)
: Year Original winner Alternative
FROM 117.136.87.*
【 在 spritesw 的大作中提到: 】
: 意甲冠军的两年,欧联那年,86和90两年,一共四个
来自 HRY-AL00a
FROM 117.136.0.*
【 在 spritesw 的大作中提到: 】
: 90年老马拿了意甲和超级杯,世界杯亚军核心,如果不是金球也是银球吧
: 8687都能拿,89联盟杯单届助攻10次,也问题不大
来自 HRY-AL00a
FROM 117.136.0.*
【 在 freesoul 的大作中提到: 】
: 89年英国世界足球评选
: 1. Ruud GULLIT 24 % Holland AC Milan (Ita)
: 2. Marco VAN BASTEN 18 % Holland AC Milan (Ita)
: ...................
FROM 219.237.112.*
【 在 spritesw 的大作中提到: 】
: 90年代?
: 其实89年意甲就很厉害了
FROM 106.121.139.*