【 在 Aubameyang 的大作中提到: 】
: 米,有问题,换成巴黎意甲最成功的,也省钱【 在 Saba (Christian) 的大作中提到: 】: 我绝对是认真的,没有反讽的意思。没钱你或许能偷一两个冠军,但要想持续的夺冠,要想在短时间内就夺冠,你有很多顶级球员,而顶级球员都不便宜。不止曼城,皇萨仁魔米的成功都是因为他们比别人更有钱,无一例外。: 来自 LLD-AL30--See what is before you.See the here and now, that's the hardest thing,the onlything that accounts.Abolishing slavery by constitutional provisions settles the fate for all coming time. Not only of the millions now in bondage, but of unbornmillions to come. Two votes stand in its way. These votes must be procured.You've got a night and a day and a night; several perfectly good hours! Now get the hell out of here and get them!Buzzard's guts, man! I am the President of the United States of America! Clothed in immense power! You will procure me these votes.
来自 LLD-AL30
FROM 112.10.75.*