【 在 cainiMEI (猜你妹) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: 以前很多高素质ID是不是换马甲了
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Jul 17 16:26:25 2021), 站内
: 有些版友为梅西量身定制作了一些登机理论,但后来梅西不给力不符合他们原本以为没问题的理论,他们又不好意思说梅西不行令他们失望,于是就慢慢淡出了。
: 【 在 xeam 的大作中提到: 】
: : 记得当年他们在的时候,本版特别文明,欣欣向荣,像Powder, xuwugui, fcbati等等。
: :
: --
: My first and foremost identity is human, beyond anything else.
: The one thing that I learned really early on is that you’ve got to surround yourself with the right people. Because you can’t change how people think—you can’t control how they’re going to think, how they’re going to behave. But what you can do is make sure the people that are around you not only protect you but want to be with you because of who you are as an individual.
: ※ 来源:·水木社区·[FROM: 223.104.39.*]
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