【 在 boniferrum (ARBEIT MACHT FREI) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: 埃托奥竞选喀麦隆足协主席
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Sep 22 10:47:50 2021), 站内
: Samuel Eto'o announces candidacy for presidency of Cameroon football
: federation
: 21 September 2021
: Former Cameroon international Samuel Eto'o is to stand as a candidate in the
: race for the presidency of his country's football federaton (Fecafoot).
: The former Barcelona and Inter Milan star made the announcement on his social
: media pages on Tuesday evening, saying he had taken the decision "out of love
: for Cameroon and passion for our football."
: "Time is running out. Waiting is not an option. It is time to rebuild our
: football," Eto'o said.
: The delayed Fecafoot elections are expected to take place on 11 December,
: with the Africa Cup of Nations set to start in Cameroon on 9 January.
: Eto'o, 40, had an illustrious playing career, winning domestic and European
: titles in both Spain and Italy.
: The four-time African player of the year is his country's record scorer with
: 56 goals in 118 games and also enjoyed brief stints in the English Premier
: League with Chelsea and Everton, ending his playing career in Qatar.
: At international level, he helped Cameroon win the Africa Cup of Nations in
: 2000 and 2002 and was a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.
: --
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