- 主题:为什么曼联的教练传闻总是那么几位
FROM 117.136.0.*
【 在 cainiMEI (猜你妹) 的大作中提到: 】
: 什么巴尔韦德、科曼、亚特兰大现任主帅、曼奇尼、恩里克这些人都不考虑么?
: --
: My first and foremost identity is human, beyond anything else.
: The one thing that I learned really early on is that you’ve got to surround yourself with the right people. Because you can’t change how people think—you can’t control how they’re going to think, how they’re going to behave. But what you can do is make sure the people that are around you not only protect you but want to be with you because of who you are as an individual.
FROM 183.195.42.*
【 在 Milik 的大作中提到: 】
: 没dna没法带
FROM 117.136.0.*
【 在 cainiMEI 的大作中提到: 】
: 我一直搞不懂除巴萨以外的球队讲究什么dna做甚
: --
: My first and foremost identity is human, beyond anything else.
: The one thing that I learned really early on is
: ..................
发自「今日水木 on 诺基亚8800」
FROM 113.225.137.*