- 主题:我来提个问:罚点球球员将踢到门柱反弹回来的球立即补射进去
修改:Robben FROM 101.87.78.*
FROM 101.87.78.*
【 在 Robben 的大作中提到: 】
: 大家讨论下有效不?
FROM 116.224.98.*
【 在 Heyrovsky 的大作中提到: 】
: 无效
FROM 101.87.78.*
【 在 Robben 的大作中提到: 】
: 大家讨论下有效不?
FROM 182.140.239.*
【 在 LYTaoist 的大作中提到: 】
: 立不立即有影响吗?
FROM 101.87.78.*
【 在 Robben 的大作中提到: 】
: 说来听听
FROM 116.224.98.*
【 在 Robben 的大作中提到: 】
: 有其他情况啊,一顿乱抢,踢点球球员又干进去,你难道认为无效吗?
FROM 182.140.239.*
The penalty must be taken from the designated mark within the penalty area.
The ball must be stationary before a player kicks it.
The ball must clearly move forward once kicked.
All players, except the penalty taker and goalkeeper, must remain outside of the penalty area and D until the ball is kicked.
Once kicked, the player taking the penalty cannot touch the ball again until
another player touches it.
-------------------------- 罚球球员一旦踢出去就要等第二个人触球后才能碰球
The defending goalkeeper must remain on the goal line between the goalposts, facing the kicker.
【 在 LYTaoist 的大作中提到: 】
: 是不是踢点球球员有影响吗?
FROM 116.224.98.*
【 在 Heyrovsky 的大作中提到: 】
: The penalty must be taken from the designated mark within the penalty area.
: The ball must be stationary before a player kicks it.
: The ball must clearly move forward once kicked.
: ...................
FROM 182.140.239.*
【 在 Heyrovsky 的大作中提到: 】
: The penalty must be taken from the designated mark within the penalty area.
: The ball must be stationary before a player kicks it.
: The ball must clearly move forward once kicked.
: ...................
FROM 101.87.78.*