Aston Villa Football Club joins the nation and the Commonwealth in mourning the passing of Her Majesty The Queen and would like to express its deepest condolences to the Royal Family.
Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, celebrated her Platinum Jubilee earlier this year, marking 70 years since her accession to the throne and will leave a legacy that includes the landmark of becoming the longest-serving British monarch.
The football club have enjoyed a number of links with The Queen and her family, particularly her grandson, The Duke of Cambridge who is a keen supporter and is occasionally in attendance at first-team matches.
Her Majesty presented the FA Cup to Villa captain Johnny Dixon in May 1957, following the 2-1 success over Manchester United at Wembley and prior to her coronation in 1953, the then Princess Elizabeth attended a display of physical exercises and games at Villa Park organised by the City of Birmingham Education Department as part of the Festival of Britain in June 1951.
The Queen’s father, the Duke of York (who subsequently became King George VI) had been the first royal visitor to Villa Park in January 1924 when he watched a 1-0 victory over Bolton Wanderers.
Her son, The Prince of Wales, was at Villa Park in 2001 to officially open the new Trinity Road Stand following its redevelopment while most recently, in May 2021, His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge opened the High Performance Centre at the Club’s Bodymoor Heath Training Ground and also previously attended a Foundation event at Villa Park with his wife, The Duchess of Cambridge, in November 2017.
【 在 OuNiJiang 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: 阿斯顿维拉发长文沉痛哀悼老球迷去世
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Sep 9 08:10:41 2022), 站内
: 北京时间9月9日,阿斯顿维拉足球俱乐部在其官方网站对英国女王伊丽莎白二世逝世沉痛悼念,发表长文如下:
: “阿斯顿维拉足球俱乐部与全国和英联邦一起哀悼女王陛下的去世,并向皇室成员表示最深切的哀悼。
: 女王伊丽莎白二世陛下在今年早些时候庆祝了她的白金庆典,标志着她登基70周年,她留下了在位70年这一里程碑式的遗产。
: 俱乐部与女王及她的家人有很多渊源,特别是她的孙子剑桥公爵,他是俱乐部热心的支持者,偶尔还会出席一线队的比赛。
: 1957年5月,在温布利球场2-1战胜曼联之后,女王将足总杯颁发给了维拉队长约翰尼-迪克森。在1953年加冕之前,当时的伊丽莎白公主还参加了由伯明翰市教育部门在维拉公园球场举办的体育活动,此次活动也是1951年不列颠节的一部分。
: 女王的父亲约克公爵(后来的乔治六世国王)曾于1924年1月成为维拉公园的第一位王室访客,当时他观看了1-0战胜博尔顿流浪者的比赛。
: 2001年,维拉公园球场圣三一路看台重建完毕。她的儿子,威尔士亲王主持了揭幕仪式。在最近,2021年5月,剑桥公爵殿下还参加了俱乐部BodymoorHeath训练场的揭幕仪式。此前,还曾于2017年11月与妻子剑桥公爵夫人一起参加了在维拉公园球场举行的基金会活动。”
: 包括伊丽莎白二世在内,英国皇室一家皆为阿斯顿维拉的球迷。
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