PDD-NOS 症状,其实就是现在所谓疑似或者轻度自闭症(其实这些就是自闭症所谓的症状)
Symptoms included:
Atypical or inappropriate social behavior
Uneven skill development (motor, sensory, visual-spatial organizational, cognitive, social, academic, behavioral)
Poorly developed speech and language comprehension skills
Difficulty with transitions
Deficits in nonverbal and/or verbal communication
Increased or decreased sensitivities to taste, sight, sound, smell and/or touch
Perseverative (repetitive or ritualistic) behaviors (i.e., opening and closing doors repeatedly or switching a light on and off )
【 在 mercyrune 的大作中提到: 】
: 对啊,很正常啊,国内一般没两岁就确诊为asd的,多认为迟缓,让随诊,孩子还有发育空间。一般是到了三四岁才确诊。
FROM 27.125.156.*