加拿大学者Laurent Mottron在2019年的论文
Temporal Changes in Effect Sizes of Studies Comparing Individuals With and Without Autism
Question Did effect sizes for group-level differences between individuals with autism and control individuals decrease during past decades?
Findings In this meta-analysis of 11 meta-analyses, effect sizes for 7 distinct differences between groups with autism and control groups decreased over time, with 5 of 7 being statistically significant.
Meaning The findings suggest that differences between individuals with autism and those without autism have decreased over time, which may be associated with changes in diagnostic practices.
Downward temporal trends for effect size were found for all constructs (slopes: –0.067 to –0.003), with the trend being significant in 5 of 7 cases: emotion recognition (slope: –0.028 [95% CI, –0.048 to –0.007]), theory of mind (–0.045 [95% CI, –0.066 to –0.024]), planning (–0.067 [95% CI, –0.125 to –0.009]), P3b amplitude (–0.048 [95% CI, –0.093 to –0.004]), and brain size (–0.047 [95% CI, –0.077 to –0.016]). In contrast, 3 analogous constructs in schizophrenia, a condition that is also heterogeneous but with no reported increase in prevalence, did not show a similar trend.
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