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发信人: wahrheit ( ), 信区: People
标 题: 据称3月份发表的YouTube视频“预言”了,Trump遇刺事件
发信站: 水木社区 (Tue Sep 3 23:51:00 2024), 站内
这个“预言家”或“先知”,名叫Brandon Biggs,他在YouTube上有一个频道。在YouTube上的那个“预言”Donald Trump遇刺的视频,据称是3月14日发布的,题为:3 PROPHETS Explain 3 American SOLAR ECLIPSES | APRIL8 SIGN | Amanda Grace, Brandon Biggs, Cioccolanti
《新闻周刊》与《纽约邮报》等少数媒体,在7月13日Donald Trump遭未遂暗杀后,报道了相关的内容。
In a video of a podcast posted to YouTube on March 14, Brandon Dale Biggs, a man from Oklahoma, said Trump would be targeted and that a bullet would fly by his ear. "I saw Trump, rising up, and then I saw an attempt on his life," Biggs told Pastor Steve Cioccolanti, who hosted the taping. During the podcast, Biggs said God showed him Trump winning the presidency in November, and there would be a subsequent crash in the economy. Biggs said, "The Lord told me, he said, 'I am not done with America.'"
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