- 主题:GT 86的后差速器是标配吗?
修改:KevinHeart FROM 125.115.59.*
FROM 125.115.59.*
FROM 24.131.123.*
我指锁定比, 1.5way这样的/哈哈
【 在 leemaverick (Yuan) 的大作中提到: 】
: 是的。torsen标配。torsen是最好的差速器了啊。。。原厂来说。toyota的子公司。
FROM 220.189.22.*
rcz R也有torsen
【 在 KevinHeart (识时务者为俊杰) 的大作中提到: 】
: 好像出口版的都是托森,有比没有好,以后还能改强
FROM 159.226.169.*
RCZ 前驱1.6T 迟钝变速箱。。。
【 在 buongiorno (morning) 的大作中提到: 】
: rcz R也有torsen
修改:KevinHeart FROM 220.189.22.*
FROM 220.189.22.*
【 在 KevinHeart (识时务者为俊杰) 的大作中提到: 】
: RCZ 前驱1.6T 迟钝变速箱。。。
FROM 159.226.169.*
索瑞, 孤陋寡闻了,有啥区别??
【 在 buongiorno (morning) 的大作中提到: 】
: R!
FROM 220.189.22.*
The RCZ R has been developed in collaboration with Peugeot Sport, the French manufacturer’s motorsport division. It is powered by the 1.6-litre petrol engine that is also installed in performance Minis and Citro ns. However, Peugeot Sport has tuned the unit to produce 260bhp, which gives the car a specific power output of 160bhp per litre. CO2 emissions are estimated to be 155g/km.
To offer more sporting driving characteristics, the suspension has been tweaked and a Torsen limited-slip differential fitted. The RCZ R also gets different wheels compared with the standard version, in addition to bespoke exterior and interior styling.
【 在 KevinHeart (识时务者为俊杰) 的大作中提到: 】
: 索瑞, 孤陋寡闻了,有啥区别??
FROM 159.226.169.*
擦,这么大马力,燃油要求高。 而且国内燃油估计跑不出这个马力
【 在 buongiorno (morning) 的大作中提到: 】
: The RCZ R has been developed in collaboration with Peugeot Sport, the French manufacturer’s motorsport division. It is powered by the 1.6-litre petrol engine that is also installed in performance Minis and Citro ns. However, Peugeot Sport has tuned
: To offer more sporting driving characteristics, the suspension has been tweaked and a Torsen limited-slip differential fitted. The RCZ R also gets different wheels compared with the standard version, in addition to bespoke exterior and interior sty
FROM 220.189.22.*
【 在 buongiorno (morning) 的大作中提到: 】
: The RCZ R has been developed in collaboration with Peugeot Sport, the French manufacturer’s motorsport division. It is powered by the 1.6-litre petrol engine that is also installed in performance Minis and Citro ns. However, Peugeot Sport has tuned
: To offer more sporting driving characteristics, the suspension has been tweaked and a Torsen limited-slip differential fitted. The RCZ R also gets different wheels compared with the standard version, in addition to bespoke exterior and interior sty
FROM 159.226.169.*