The reason cited was the stricter Euro 7 emissions standards, making it virtually impossible for an internal combustion engine to exist as a standalone unit. As it currently stands, the NOx emissions per kilometer are 60 mg for gas cars and 80 mg for diesel cars. Euro 7 only allows NOx figures between 10 to 30 mg, depending on the vehicle category.
【 在 i925XE (快门一按 线路中断 造成机破 移送法办) 的大作中提到: 】
: 2026年以后不再推出汽油柴油和混合动力新车型,只推出纯电动新车。
: 也就是说MQB Evo/MLB Evo/MSB就是奥迪品牌最后一代的内燃机汽车平台,技术寿命就到2026年为止,2026以后只发展纯电动平台。
FROM 73.63.245.*