Cover the brake and horn
When you see a possible hazard ahead, you need to be
prepared for emergencies. Here are two useful techniques:
o Cover the brake: Put the heel of your right foot on the floor
right in front of the brake with your toes lightly touching the
brake pedal, but without activating the brake.
o Cover the horn: Keep your hand positioned, ready to use
the horn.
【 在 zhangyoung 的大作中提到: 】
: 备刹车是脑子有问题,应该形成肌肉记忆该踩哪里而不是一脚踩死,因为总有你无法备的情况,比如你正要踩油门加速,旁边车突然变道直插,怎么备?
: 油门和刹车触感也不一样,一硬一软,踩错了抓紧移动脚
FROM 90.187.77.*