- 主题:天朝通过梵提岗打破昂撒锁喉的外交策略 (转载)
网上一堆techinsight 报告,
具体不給你扯了, 你就自嗨可以了,
而且tg 給韩企那么多优惠条件开厂
也是韩企这么强势的原因, 所以羊毛出在羊身上
Abstract and Figures
In this paper, we will present comparison of DRAM cell patterning between ArF immersion and EUV lithography which will be the main stream of DRAM lithography. Assuming that the limit of ArF immersion single patterning is around 40nm half pitch, EUV technology is positioned on essential stage because development stage of device manufacturer is going down sub-40nm technology node. Currently lithography technology, in order to improve the limitation of ArF immersion lithography, double patterning technology (DPT) and spacer patterning technology (SPT) have been examined intensively. However, double patterning and spacer patterning technology are not cost-effective process because of complexity of lithography process such as many hard mask stacks and iterative litho, etch process. Therefore, lithography community is looking forward to improving maturity of EUVL technology. In order to overcome several issues on EUV technology, many studies are needed for device application. EUV technology is different characteristics with conventional optical lithography which are non-telecentricity and mask topography effect on printing performance. The printed feature of EUV is shifted and biased on the wafer because of oblique illumination of the mask. Consequently, target CD and pattern position are changed in accordance with pattern direction, pattern type and slit position of target pattern.1 For this study, we make sub-40nm DRAM mask for ArF immersion and EUV lithography. ArF attenuated PSM (Phase Shift Mask) and EUV mask (LTEM) are used for this experiment; those are made and developed by in-house captive maskshop. Simulation and experiment with 1.35NA ArF immersion scanner and 0.25NA EUV full field scanner are performed to characterize EUV lithography and to compare process margin of each DRAM cell. Two types of DRAM cell patterns are studied; one is an isolation pattern with a brick wall shape and another is a storage node pattern with contact hole shape. Line and space pattern is also studied through 24nm to 50nm half pitch for this experiment. Lithography simulation is done by in-house tool based on diffused aerial image model. EM-SUITE and Solid-EUV are also used in order to study characteristics of EUV patterning through rigorous EMF simulation. We also investigated shadowing effect according to pattern shape and design rule respectively. We find that vertical to horizontal bias is around 2nm on 32nm to 40nm half pitch line and space pattern. In the case of DRAM cell, we also find same result with line and space pattern. In view of mask-making consideration, we optimize absorber etch process. So we acquire vertical absorber profile and mask MTT(Mean To Target) within 10% of target CD through several pitch. Process windows and mask error enhancement factors are measured with respect to several DRAM cell pattern. In the case of one dimensional line and space and two dimensional brick wall pattern, vertical pattern shows the best performance through various pitches because of lower shadowing effect than horizontal pattern. But in case of contact hole DRAM cell pattern such as storage node pattern, it has bigger MEF value than one or two dimensional pattern because of independency of shadowing effect. Finally, we compare with 2x, 3x and 4x DRAM cell patterning performance in terms of pattern fidelity, slit CD uniformity and shadowing effect.
Resolution limit with various lithography technology
EUV mask was manufactured with good pattern fidelity and absorber profile and subsequently exposed in EUV ADT at
IMEC. In view of resolution, EUV ADT shows 28nm resolution. It’s not clearly dissolved but possibility can be assessed
for 24nm. Though mask layouts were not corrected for shadowing effect, but good CD uniformity values are achieved
also for each pattern directions. Correction of offset between each patterns seem to give acceptable CD uniformity results
for 32nm L/S. In addition, influence of mask shadowing effect was studied for various pattern shapes and directions.
Brick wall pattern is most sensitive to shadowing effect while contact hole pattern is not much affected by it. Finally,
EUV and ArF immersion technologies are compared in view of DRAM cell patterning. EUV shows promising results
even down to D2x node which double patterning is necessary for ArF immersion.
【 在 RaorOfPanda 的大作中提到: 】
: 合肥长鑫主打20nm、17nm
: 这俩制程的dram要euv干什么用?
: ...................
修改:ibm221 FROM 175.171.29.*
FROM 175.171.29.*
【 在 RaorOfPanda 的大作中提到: 】
: 合肥长鑫主打20nm、17nm
: 这俩制程的dram要euv干什么用?
: ...................
FROM 175.171.29.*
【 在 ibm221 的大作中提到: 】
: 网上一堆techinsight 报告,
: 搜搜就知道了,
: 专门有人拆解分析,
: ...................
FROM 119.114.182.*
逆向工程都不懂, 够傻的
例如交通秩序, 过马路要武警排队维持秩序,
【 在 RaorOfPanda 的大作中提到: 】
: 你这就是连蒙带骗!!
: 现行犯!!!
: ...................
FROM 175.166.208.*
【 在 ibm221 的大作中提到: 】
: 汉族人尤其是大陆的情商低啊,
: 这个也是共识
FROM 124.205.78.*
【 在 capablanca 的大作中提到: 】
: 情商这个东西很难比较,很多时候跟文化有关系,在一个文化环境中情商高的,在另一个文化环境中也许就属于情商不怎么高。 ...
FROM 175.166.208.*
【 在 ibm221 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Modern_CHN 讨论区 】
: 发信人: ibm221 (ibm221), 信区: Modern_CHN
: 标 题: 天朝通过梵提岗打破昂撒锁喉的外交策略
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Sun May 29 06:26:34 2022), 站内
: 昂
: ..................
发自「今日水木 on Huashengmi Note none」
FROM 111.198.122.*
【 在 ibm221 的大作中提到: 】
: 别洗了,天朝自己认同的价值观都不行,
: 例如买票排队,,遛狗栓绳,清理粪便
: 什么文化里买票不排队算情商高
: ...................
FROM 124.205.78.*
【 在 kingbor 的大作中提到: 】
: 神棍确实厉害,什么事都能把自己的价值体现出来,看着兔子被掐脖子就出来跳。大哥在打架,小肉鸡就别出来秀了。不是大哥怕你,是懒得搭理你,还想要挟一把大哥。核心利益是神棍能插得上嘴的?说你是个虱子,还真觉得自己有二两肉了。哪边都只当你是个屁而已
: 发自「今日水木 on Huashengmi Note none」
FROM 124.205.78.*
井底之蛙,simple and naive
【 在 kingbor 的大作中提到: 】
: 神棍确实厉害,什么事都能把自己的价值体现出来,看着兔子被掐脖子就出来跳。大哥在打架,小肉鸡就别出来秀了。不是大哥怕你,是懒得搭理你,还想要挟一把大哥。核心利益是神棍能插得上嘴的?说你是个虱子,还真觉得自己有二两肉了。哪边都只当你是个屁而已
: 发自「今日水木 on Huashengmi Note none」
FROM 42.84.226.*