有mm问我,为什么叫我“老王”,都把人叫老了, 我却不生气?
咱这个“老王”是来自于id wonderman
话说柏拉图在Theaetetus里面引用了苏格拉底的名言:“Wonder is the feeling of a philosopher, and philosophy begins in wonder.”
亚里士多德在Metaphysics讲了 “For it is owing to their wonder that men both now begin at first to philosophize.”
古希腊哲学三贤如此,到了笛卡尔注意力虽然越来越局限到科学了,仍然会regard wonder as an
intellectual opening that “ a sudden surprise of soul” which “makes us disposed to acquire scientific knowledge.”
至此,jjzhu就看出来了,老王要开始忽悠了,于是及时引导老王要从文王演易这中国哲学的脉络去忽悠。估计一下,大概是西哲谈不了两句就该引发康德与everybody else的大战了。
FROM 218.67.252.*