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发信人: yaohua2000 (盛光祖是母王八), 信区: Tuhao
标 题: 有想入行的吗?我司招人
发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Jan 14 09:26:43 2021), 站内
Founded in 2013, f2pool is the largest Bitcoin mining pool. We have mined more than one million bitcoins and five million ethers. We are also securing ~40 other Proof-of-Work blockchains.
stakefish is an international non-custodial staking provider. We are securing multiple PoS blockchains, including Cosmos and Tezos. We just launched Eth2 staking services and currently managing 170k ETH on the beaconchain.
We are looking for #geeks and #nerds join us for our decentralized future.
We are hiring Product Manager/Designers & Dev/DevOps among other positions.
- 没有#996
- 清北优先
- 优秀的若不在京可远程工作
- 流利的英语听说是必须要求
- FOSS contributors and digital nomads are absolute advantages
Please send resume in English to jobs+Career_Upgrade@f2pool.com
Please explain what makes you different & outstanding from others in the email.
$4000 to $12500
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