ChemINDEX Ultra V8.0 DVD
(C) CambridgeSoft
This premier collection of databases is an extensive
chemical reference library for Windows. It includes
ChemINDEX 8.0, ChemRXN 8.0, and NCI & AIDS data on a DVD,
with ChemOffice Net software. ChemINDEX Ultra 8.0 DVD
Edition differs from ChemINDEX & NCI: Personal Internet
Edition: One Year Subscription by adding the ChemRXN data,
and by the fact that the DVD edition does not expire.
4 Databases on 1 DVD: ChemINDEX 8.0 - Small molecule
physical property data on over 70,000 compounds. ChemRXN 8.0
- Organic reaction databases include ChemSelect from
Infochem GmbH and a selection from ISI's ChemPrep, for a
total of over 29,000 reactions. NCI Database - Over 200,000
compounds with anti-cancer drug dose-response data. AIDS
Database - NCI compiled database for AIDS anti-viral
More info can be found at: