"There is a strong synergism between biodegradation and environmental factors,
and biodegradation can, in practice, never be entirely separated from the purely physical and chemical--mainly autooxidative--progressive ageing, always
presents as an unavoidable slow but cumulative background effect. Biodegradation is seldom due to a single cause, but a combined effect including heat, UV light, stress and water. The presence of water is a necessity for biodegradation."
文章作者 A.C. Albertsson,在塑料,高分子(生物)降解领域发表了许多文章,选的这篇是 1976 年,大约 35 年前,发表在 Polymer Degradation and Stability 上,引用次数很高的一篇文章。。。
【 在 okbridge (方鸿渐) 的大作中提到: 】
: 你们没有理科,你也不象土著,土著至少能讨论问题
FROM 76.114.110.*