保诺科技(北京)有限公司特邀复杂天然产物分子合成领域巨擘Professor K. C. Nicolaou来京进行学术交流。
Title: “Total Synthesis of Natural and Designed Molecules of Biological and Medical Importance”
地点: 中关村生命科学园创新大厦A座2层会议室
Biographical sketch: Professor K. C. Nicolaou
K.C. Nicolaou was born on July 5, 1946 in Cyprus, where he grew up and went to school until the age of 18. In 1964, he emigrated from Cyprus to England where he spent two years learning English and preparing to enter the university. His advanced studies in chemistry were carried out at the University of London (B.Sc., 1969, Bedford College, First Class Honors; Ph.D. 1972, University College, with Professors F. Sondheimer and P.J. Garratt).
保诺科技(北京)有限公司人力资源部 金小姐 010-8076-8145 yanjuan.jin@bioduro.com
In 1972, he crossed the Atlantic to the United States and completed postdoctoral appointments at Columbia University (1972–1973, Professor T.J. Katz) and Harvard University (1973–1976, Professor E.J. Corey) after which he joined the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania, where he rose through the ranks to become the Rhodes-Thompson Professor of Chemistry. In 1989, he accepted joint appointments at the University of California, San Diego, where he is Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, and The Scripps Research Institute, where he served as the Chairman of the Department of Chemistry and held the Darlene Shiley Chair in Chemistry through September 2012 and is currently the Aline. W. and L. S. Skaggs Professor in
Chemical Biology (1996–2013) in the Department of Chemistry. Since 2013, he is Harry C. and Olga K. Wiess Professor of Chemistry in Rice University.
For his scientific work, Professor Nicolaou has received numerous awards and honors, and he is a member of many committees and societies.
He is the author or co-author of over 740 scientific articles, reviews, and book chapters, 66 patents, and 5 books.
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