【 在 shareloft 的大作中提到: 】
: I can not speak Chinese for a whole day and take care of my baby for a whole day. Whenever I need to speak Chinese, I ask my 3-year-old son to translate for me. This is almost our daily activity, which can shopping, asking a good price, returning goods, exchange sometings , solving troublesome whitout any Chineseword
: 【 在 Realpig 的大作中提到: 】
: : 正面回答你,8岁娃的母语能力是什么
※ 来源:水木社区 [62.34.110.*(法国)]
※ 修改:·Realpig 于 Oct 15 17:35:52 2022 修改本文·[FROM: 62.34.110.*]
※ 来源:·水木社区
http://www.mysmth.net·[FROM: 62.34.110.*]
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FROM 62.34.110.*