Oxford Reading Tree Biff Chip And Kipper‘s story,牛津树
Owl Diaries 猫头鹰日记(仅适合女孩)
Junie B. Jones series 朱尼 B LEXILE310-560
Dogman 神探狗狗 LEXILE GN260L-440L
Magic treehouse 神奇树屋 LEXILE300-570 中位数 440-460 但实际上Junie B. Jones比Magic treehouse更简单一些
My weird school series (疯狂学校)
Big Nate 大内特 LEXILE440-560
Captain Underpants (内裤超人) LEXILE420-890
Geronimo Stilton(老鼠记者) 其中特别版LEXILE500-750
Nancy Clancy(仅适合女孩) LEXILE450-650
Charlotte's Web(夏洛特的网) LEXILE680
Roald Dahl collection 罗尔德·达尔精选辑
David Walliams collection 大卫·威廉精选辑
The One and Only Ivan Series 独一无二的伊凡
The wonderful Wizard of OZ(绿野仙踪)
Ramona series(雷梦拉,仅适合女孩)
the Magic School Bus LEXILE平均620
Because of Winn-Dixie(傻狗温迪克)
Stone Fox 石狐
Frindle 我們叫它粉靈豆
Wonder (奇迹男孩)
Holes 洞
Guardian of Ga'hoole 猫头鹰王国
The Lemonade War Series (柠檬水大战)
Tuck Everlasting (不老泉)
Warriors Series (猫武士)
The Secret Garden (秘密花园)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series (小屁孩日记)
Dork Diaries Series(怪诞少女日记,仅适合女孩)
Harry Potter (哈利波特)
Percy Jackson Series (波西-杰克逊)

FROM 174.137.48.*