“My shop will sell robots, food and toys “
我一听随口说“ Good idea.”
孩子接着来 “ My robots can cook food, fetch things you like. Everyone will buy one from me.”
我连忙夸赞“ That‘s big business “ 看来还有点财商。
孩子接着来“People from other countries will come to my shop to buy it.”
孩子说“Their robots are broken.They must buy one from me. I will be rich,very rich. I will have everything....”
再一晚读那个兰登的ICE Mummy, 读到埃及的木乃伊,突然和我说“Daddy, I don't want to die”. 我心里一紧,正想着怎么给一个四岁半孩子做死亡教育,他接着说“Since the mummies are dead, I can take the treasure , yeah“。 这妥妥盗墓贼,还没啥心理负担.
FROM 123.121.21.*