1.if the item(s) on your order are not in Preparing for Shipment
or Shipped status, you may be able to cancel an item or the entire
order online.
To cancel an order or item, visit online Order Status, and click
the View Orders button. From the Your Orders page, find the item
you want to cancel and click the Cancel items link.
Once you've submitted your cancel request, the status message of
the item(s) will read "Canceled". You will not be billed for these
2.Why do I still see an authorisation on my credit card after
In order to hold funds for payment of an order, Apple requests an
authorisation(s) from your financial institution. Authorisations
do not become charges until the item invoices and ships. While
these funds are being held for payment they are unavailable to
your credit line. If you cancel your order, it can take up to 7-10
days for the authorisation to drop from the order, or we can
submit a request to your financial institution to remove the
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