- 主题:驱逐和驱逐令是两回事,侬晓得伐?
The Marshal, Sheriff or Constable will deliver a Notice of Eviction to the tenant. This tells the tenants that unless they move within 14 days, the Marshal will evict them. If the tenant owns a manufactured home in a mobile home park, the tenant will get more notice before having to move. If the tenants do not move out, they will be evicted.
【 在 tange97 的大作中提到: 】
: Eviction notice和order是一回事。你肯定不了解civil order的执行过程。警 ...
FROM 67.85.200.*
这两个行为都是对同一个court notice的service。
警察贴的那个不叫eviction notice, 叫NTV,
notice to vacate。
【 在 wallstreeter 的大作中提到: 】
: The Marshal, Sheriff or Constable will deliver a Notice of Eviction to the tenant. This tells the tenants that unless they move within 14 days, the Marshal will evict them. If the tenant owns a manufactured home in a mobile home park, the tenant will get more notice before having to move. If the tenants do not move out, they will be evicted.
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FROM 24.22.244.*
是上门贴条(传达notice)。The footage released by the Sheriff’s Department shows Court Services Deputy Jason Bunch serving Li with eviction papers.
She accepts the notice.
but when Bunch spots what appears to be a meat cleaver in Li’s right hand, he draws his firearm and orders her “to put your knife down. Put the … knife down.”
所以看下来这个deputy Jason Bunch的处理可能是有一点问题。
【 在 tange97 的大作中提到: 】
: 我刚刚才发现加州是警察发notice,是我
: 大意了。那么问题来了,你觉得这次警察
: 上门是贴条还是赶她走?那篇报道有歧义,
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FROM 73.252.147.*
【 在 racebin 的大作中提到: 】
: 是上门贴条(传达notice)。The footage released by the Sheriff’s Department shows Court Services Deputy Jason Bunch serving Li with eviction papers.
: She accepts the notice.
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FROM 24.22.244.*
【 在 Etetet 的大作中提到: 】
: 放下刀就放下刀,那警察一口一个fucking,否则就shoot她,对着一个精神有问题的女的,这种粗口只会更刺激她精神加剧不正常。
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: There were two main routes a culture could take, once it satisfied its bas
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发自「今日水木 on Android」
修改:maomaogou FROM 101.87.136.*
FROM 101.87.136.*
【 在 tange97 的大作中提到: 】
: 是的,我仔细读了一些其他的报道,这个执行确实很有问题。当地人基本上也都在喷警察过度使用武力。 ...
FROM 67.85.200.*
【 在 wallstreeter 的大作中提到: 】
: 问题是人家都关上门了,您就走了就完了,干嘛非要叫后援,然后把人逼急了再打死?
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FROM 24.22.244.*