【 以下文字转载自 Oversea 讨论区 】
发信人: spioner007 (迷途小书童), 信区: Oversea
标 题: 马老师全身而退
发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Mar 22 00:40:39 2023), 站内
【 在 @fatlee 的大作中提到: 】
: 男的负全责?
MSU professor declared not guilty on all criminal sexual conduct charges
March 20, 2023
Engineering professor was found not guilty on three charges of criminal sexual conduct.
Engineering professor was found not guilty on two counts of criminal sexual conduct of the second degree by a jury on March 17. He was also found not guilty by the judge directly on his remaining charge, criminal sexual conduct of the first degree, on March 16.
In an email to The State News, Engineering professor said he was falsely accused of criminal sexual conduct "based on lies and revenge from an individual with whom (he) sought to end a platonic relationship."
FROM 27.29.227.*