Divorce rate:
??India: 1%
??Vietnam: 7%
??Tajikistan: 10%
??Iran: 14%
??Mexico: 17%
??Egypt: 17%
??South Africa: 17%
??Brazil: 21%
??Turkey: 25%
??Colombia: 30%
??Poland: 33%
??Japan: 35%
??Germany: 38%
??United Kingdom: 41%
??New Zealand: 41%
??Australia: 43%
??China: 44%
??United States: 45%
??South Korea: 46%
??Denmark: 46%
??Italy: 46%
??Canada: 47%
??Netherlands: 48%
??Sweden: 50%
??France: 51%
??Belgium: 53%
??Finland: 55%
??Cuba: 55%
??Ukraine: 70%
??Russia: 73%
??Luxembourg: 79%
??Spain: 85%
??Portugal: 94%
Note: This compares the number of divorces in a given year to the number of marriages in that same year (the ratio of the crude divorce rate to the crude marriage rate). For example, if there are 500 divorces and 1,000 marriages in a given year in a given area, the ratio would be one divorce for every two marriages, e.g. a ratio of 0.50 (50%).
Data is from last available year by country. As an example Portugal data is from 2020, Germany is from 2017.
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