搜了一下,WHO 也是这样说的
The effect on blood lipids resulting from changes in ruminant or industrially-produced trans fat appear to be similar.
Brouwer IA. Effect of trans-fatty acid intake on blood lipids and lipoproteins: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis. World Health Organization 2016.
The trans fat content of partially hydrogenated oils (PHO) can vary from 10-60% of the oil, depending on how the oil is manufactured, with an average trans fat content of 25-45% of the oil.
不是说离开剂量谈毒性都是耍流氓吗? 有空了再去看看...
【 在 wuhuadasha 的大作中提到: 】
: 天然牛乳中也有反式脂肪酸
: 奶油,不管是人造还是天然,都少吃
: 吃的少的前提下,是不是天然不用太在意
: ...................
FROM 47.144.172.*