【 在 sys075 (珠舟问沙) 的大作中提到: 】
: Rainbow Trout is a member of the Salmon family. Rainbow Trout are easily distinguished by their rainbow-like colors on their sides. All Rainbow Trout sold domestically is farmed. It is the oldest aquaculture industry in North America dating back to the 1880’s. They reach market size of 8-10 ounces in 8 to 12 months. Clear Springs Foods, a vertically integrated food company, focuses on sustainability and protecting the pristine, spring water resource that produces their healthy Rainbow Trout.
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: 虹鳟鱼是三文鱼的一种,是北美最古老的水产养殖业,这家公司取得了虹鳟水产养殖认证。
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