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发信人: wahrheit ( ), 信区: People
标 题: 这下美国际开发署(USAID)看来真的是完了
发信站: 水木社区 (Sun Feb 9 12:56:00 2025), 站内
连总部大楼的招牌标志都被拆除了,其网站主页上只有解散通知。虽然有个临时限制令,但是仅限于两千多雇员,而USAID的一万多雇员都已经被离职了。而且USAID绝大部分雇员无法返回工作地点,也不能登录其计算机和email帐户,USAID已经基本停止运营了。与“出生公民权”有美宪法第14修正案的保障不同, Trump裁撤USAID没法律问题。
WASHINGTON (USA TODAY) –- A judge on Friday (Feb 7, 2025) issued a "very limited" temporary restraining order blocking the Trump administration from dismantling the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), as signs for the agency being removed from its headquarters.
Earlier this week, about 10,000 employees of the USAID, excluding essential personnel, were notified that they will be placed on administrative leave at the end of Friday.
U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols in Washington said in the order that 2,200 agency employees would not immediately be placed on administration leave, a move that was announced on Tuesday (Feb 4, 2025). Nichols also paused the relocation of certain humanitarian workers stationed outside the United States.
Meanwhile, signage for the agency began being taken down from its headquarters at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington D.C. on Friday. References to USAID were also covered with black tape on signs outside the Ronald Reagan building.
President Donald Trump accused the USAID of being "corrupt" by spending money on projects the White House has called "ridiculous and malicious". Trump wrote on Truth Social on Friday morning, "USAID IS DRIVING THE RADICAL LEFT CRAZY, AND THERE IS NOTHING THEY CAN DO ABOUT IT BECAUSE THE WAY IN WHICH THE MONEY HAS BEEN SPENT, SO MUCH OF IT FRAUDULENTLY, IS TOTALLY UNEXPLAINABLE. THE CORRUPTION IS AT LEVELS RARELY SEEN BEFORE. CLOSE IT DOWN!"
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