- 主题:特斯拉突然加速问题被美国证实是汽车本身问题
In a petition sent to the NHTSA, Ronald Belt claimed that the sudden unintended acceleration (SUA) cases reported by many owners were caused by a faulty inverter design. Since autoevolution broke the story, Tesla hackers have offered their own side of this story, and I believe you should read it
FROM 223.166.233.*
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欺负大家不懂英文吗? Ronald Belt claimed that。。。 怎么就变成“ 证实 ”了?他在实验室里调电压进行测试model 3 的调变器,把测试报告发给了 NHTSA,结果认定还没出就变成证实啦?
FROM 111.205.135.*
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【 在 darkpain (大口喷) 的大作中提到: 】
: 人家实名举报,还是有点说服力的吧。
: 这事要坐实的话,当年丰田怎么挨打,
: 老马会不会一样待遇有待观察。
: --
FROM 101.88.20.*
- 来自 水木社区APP v3.5.7
【 在 darkpain 的大作中提到: 】
: 人家实名举报,还是有点说服力的吧。
: 这事要坐实的话,当年丰田怎么挨打,
: 老马会不会一样待遇有待观察。
: --
※ 修改:·TrinidadSeal 于 Jul 7 11:13:49 2023 修改本文·[FROM: 73.162.122.*]
※ 来源:·
https://exp.mysmth.net·[FROM: 73.162.122.*]
修改:TrinidadSeal FROM 73.162.122.*
FROM 73.162.122.*
【 在 TrinidadSeal 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个好像逻辑不对,你这就像说,原告实名告被告,肯定原告有说服力
: - 来自 水木社区APP v3.5.7
: :
FROM 223.104.40.*
To make the matter worse, the condition that triggers an SUA event is perceived by the car as a genuine accelerator press. This would explain why the logs analyzed by Tesla and the NHTSA show that drivers pressed the accelerator pedal all the way down, although many were convinced they did not touch the accelerator.
【 在 op1qtz 的大作中提到: 】
: 每次突然加速,都宣称是driver踩错了踏板。现在发现是inverter问题
: In a petition sent to the NHTSA, Ronald Belt claimed that the sudden unintended acceleration (SUA) cases reported by many owners were caused by a faulty inverter design. Since autoevolution broke the story, Tesla hackers have offered their own side of this story, and I believe you should read it
: ...................
FROM 218.247.161.*
Another known Tesla hacker, Green (@greentheonly), thinks that the claims in the paper should be easy to validate if anyone with a spare inverter controller PCB is willing to try. Still, this should be the first task on the NHTSA's experts' agenda. Hopefully, they will get to the bottom of this issue and clear the waters regarding Tesla's sudden unintended acceleration.
【 在 op1qtz 的大作中提到: 】
: 每次突然加速,都宣称是driver踩错了踏板。现在发现是inverter问题
: In a petition sent to the NHTSA, Ronald Belt claimed that the sudden unintended acceleration (SUA) cases reported by many owners were caused by a faulty inverter design. Since autoevolution broke the story, Tesla hackers have offered their own side of this story, and I believe you should read it
: ...................
FROM 218.247.161.*