这个机构解释的很好啊 半自动驾驶遇到突发情况会立刻把驾驶权交给人类斯基 而人类斯基此前一直觉得是真自动驾驶 这时候接管猝不及防很容易导致事故
Two human-factor challenges are important for safety. One is the handoff from automated driving to manual driving, which may become necessary due to unfavorable or unusual road conditions, or if the vehicle has limited capabilities. A sudden handoff could leave a human driver dangerously unprepared in the moment. In the long term, humans who have less practice at driving might have a lower skill level and thus be more dangerous in manual mode. The second challenge is known as risk compensation: as a system is perceived to be safer, instead of benefiting entirely from all of the increased safety, people engage in riskier behavior and enjoy other benefits.
【 在 duanyu22 (hhhnuhs) 的大作中提到: 】
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/269805929 看完这个就明白原因了,原因挺搞笑的。
: 特斯拉Model 3安全辅助得分全场最高,得分率95%,其中AEB预碰撞一项拿到了满分评价,这也是十款车型中唯一一个满分选手。同时,Model 3在车辆自身辅助驾驶能力方面得分率高达91.7%,位列全场第一。
: 而特斯拉在辅助能力项目中的车辆辅助驾驶和驾驶员自身操作共同作用下的协作程度算得上“一团糟”,仅取得36.5%的得分率。消费者对车辆辅助驾驶功能的明晰情况、辅助驾驶系统信息的明晰情况、驾驶员监控得分均不及格,总成绩自然也一落千丈。
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