行 原始 直译
[1] Hwaet! wē Gār-Dena in geār-dagum, What! We [of] Gar-Danes (lit. spear-danes) in yore-days,
[2] ?eod-cyninga, ?rym gefrunon, [of] people-kings, trim (glory) afrained (have learned of by asking),
[3] hu ?a ae?elingas ellen fremedon. how those athelings (princes) arm-strong feats framed (made/performed).
[4] Oft Scyld Scefing scea?ena ?reatum, Oft Scyld Scefing, [from] scathers (enemies) [in] threats (armed bands),
[5] monegum maeg?um, meodosetla ofteah, [from] many magths (clans, groups of sons, cf. Irish cogna孤影te Mac-), mead-settles took,
[6] egsode eorl. Sy??an aerest wear? awed earls (leaders of men). Sith (since) erst (first) [he] worth (came to be)
[7] feasceaft funden, he ?aes frofre gebad, fewshiped (helpless, in "fewship") founden, he [in a state of] loving care abode (lived),
[8] weox under wolcnum, weor?myndum ?ah, wex (waxed) under welkin (the clouds), [in] mind's-worth (honour) thrived,
[9] o??aet him aeghwylc ?ara ymbsittendra oth that (until that) [to] him each [of] those [who were] by-sitting ("sitting" or dwelling roundabout)
[10] ofer hronrade hyran scolde, over whale-road (kenning for sea) hear (obedience) should (owed),
[11] gomban gyldan. ?aet waes god cyning! gifts [to] yield. That was [a] good king!
FROM 185.176.76.*