- 主题:美国专利法中抵触申请能评创造性?
对于pre-AIA申请,US patents may be used as of their filing dates to show that the claimed subject matter is anticipated or obvious. 换言之,对于pre-AIA申请,102e可用于评价创造性;对于AIA申请,应该不适用。
【 在 zhanghg (zhanghg) 的大作中提到: 】
: 美国专利法中,能不能用抵触申请评价创造性阿?
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FROM 101.228.1.*
【 在 zhanghg 的大作中提到: 】
: 美国专利法中,能不能用抵触申请评价创造性阿?
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发自「今日水木 on Android」
FROM 223.72.89.*
mpep 2158: AIA 35 USC 102(a) defines what is prior art both for purpose of novelty under AIA 35 USC 102 as well as for purpose of obviousness under AIA 35 USC 103.
【 在 jjove 的大作中提到: 】
: 假期无聊,翻了下mpep。
: 对于pre-AIA申请,US patents may be used as of their filing dates to show that the claimed subject matter is anticipated or obvious. 换言之,对于pre-AIA申请,102e可用于评价创造性;对于AIA申请,应该不适用。
: 此外,由于CA、CIP等存在,一件申请中可能部分权项适用102e,部分权项不适用。
FROM 101.228.1.*