【 在 zhjs 的大作中提到: 】
: 武汉病毒研究所提出瑞德西韦新用途的专利申请日是2020年1月21日。但在2020年1月10日,美国北卡罗来纳大学的一篇文章——Gillings research on broad-spectrum antiviral could aid public health response to coronavirus outbreaks明确指出,瑞德西韦可能用于治疗新冠病毒:
: “Previous publications show that remdesivir works against SARS and SARS-like viruses found in bats, as well as all other coronaviruses we have tested this against,” said Sheahan. “Thus it is likely to work against coronaviruses that are emerging now in Wuhan, as well as those that may emerge in the future. We have extensive experience studying these kinds of viruses and are positioned for rapid response to outbreaks like the one in China.”
: 而在这一天,新型冠状病毒感染肺炎专家组成员王广发接受媒体采访,宣称疫情“可防可控”。
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FROM 101.80.135.*