IBM Internal Audit - Investigations Intern
Number of hiring:1
Working city:Beijing
Minimum requirement:
Academic background:Current student of university and above
Foreign language:Fluent English
Salary:To be determined
Working place:Pangu Building 盘古大观
Preferred Majors:
Business Administration
Other majors may be considered, depending on the individual experience and ot
her skills
Preferred Year:
Year 3 or above.
Internship Period:
September 2011 to December 2011 on a part-time basis. Minimum two working day
s per week, and actual working days/times are negotiable depending on the can
didate's extracurricular schedules. The internship may be extended depending
on business need and performance.
Job Description:
The Investigations Team is part of IBM Internal Audit. Our main mission is to
conduct independent reviews of allegations of fraud and violation of IBM's B
usiness Conduct Guidelines.
The intern will assist investigators with transaction analysis to identify ex
ceptions to IBM's processes. In addition, the intern will assist investigator
s to record meeting minutes during meetings. This internship will offer the i
ntern an understanding of a large corporation's operations and processes, as
well as internal controls and risk identification. Other skills that the inte
rn will gain include interpersonal and communication skills and logical think
ing skills.
Candidates who are responsible, take ownership, and are team players are pref
erred. Candidates who have a strong grasp of English are preferred.
Resume submission:
- If interested, please send your resume to
- All resumes must be submitted by September 14, 2011
- Resumes must include both English and Chinese versions. Submissions withou
t an English resume will not be considered.
FROM 111.77.215.*