【 以下文字转载自 IBM 讨论区 】
发信人: bbbb (猫主儿), 信区: IBM
标 题: IBM DB2 Tools for z/OS team招聘测试工具开发实习生
发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Nov 21 15:44:08 2011), 站内
* 招聘实习生,每周至少工作4天,半年以上稳定的工作。人数:1人 *
IBM CSDL Group: DB2 Tools for z/OS
Position Available: 1
Location: Beijing
Internship status: At least 4 full working days per week, lasting more than 6 months, long term and stable internship
Role and responsibility: Developer of Automated Test Infrastructure and tool for DB2 for z/OS Tools.
1. Major in computer science or related, good education background.
2. Strong development skills and real project experience on Java, JSP, Javascript, and Struts2 + Spring + Hibernate programming.
3. Strong development skills on Dojo is a big plus.
4. Good knowledge of Database and SQL programming.
5. Knowledge of automation testing tool, Rational Functional Tester is a plus.
6. Good written and verbal communication skills in both Chinese and English.
7. Excellent communication skill and strong learning skill, self-motivated and sense of responsibility.
please send your Chinese and English resume to fanyicdl@cn.ibm.com.
(if you send your resume as attachments, please save it with ".txt" format)
请将中英文简历email至:fanyicdl@cn.ibm.com, (如果以附件形式,请用txt格式)
来信主题请注明‘Apply for Intern_Your Name’
FROM 202.108.130.*