云计算是 IBM 极为重要的战略方向,也是全球几乎所有IT企业都在极力抢占的技术和市场制高点。
我们正在 IBM 中国系统与科技研发实验室(CSTL)组建一个大规模的团队,负责 IBM 基础架构云计算平台(IBM Stater Kit for Cloud)的研发。IBM Stater Kit for Cloud将广泛支持 Power 服务器, X86 架构服务器,刀片服务器,存储设备和网络设备,广泛支持业界主流的虚拟化平台,帮助企业客户快速将 IT 基础设施建设成为基础架构即服务的云计算模式,提供虚拟化计算池,存储池,按需获取计算资源,按需获取存储资源,自动化快速部署,自助服务,按使用量计 费,工作负载优化,高并发高可用等重要功能, 我们期待能够真正实现将计算,网络,存储变成像水和电一样的公共基础设施。
我们的团队将全面负责 IBM Stater Kit for Cloud的架构设计, 开发工作以及测试工作。 在后台研发的同时,我们将与IBM的售前、咨询、服务团队紧密合作,直接参与许多国内外大型企业的云计算基础架构的咨询,规划和建设。同时,我们还在和几 十家国内著名的软件公司紧密合作,共同打造基于IBM Stater Kit for Cloud开发云计算解决方案的生态系统,和程序员杂志 CSDN 共同建设 IBM 云计算开发社区(
http://dragoncloud.csdn.net/)。基于IBM Stater Kit for Cloud的 CloudStarter 云计算解决方案已经在国内外数家大型电信运营商和银行投入使用。
UI(Javascript) Developer
Hire No: 2-3  
Skill Requirements:  
- Good programming skills in Javascript/HTML/CSS.  
- Good knowledge on Javascript Framework,such as jQuery/Ext/YUI.  
- Good trouble shooting skills  
- Excellent communication skills and excellent team player  
- Fluent English  
- Good knowledge on DOJO is big plus  
- Good knowledge on Java is big plus  
Other requirement
Java Developer 
Hire No: 3-4
Skill Requirements:
- Good programming skills in Java, Python, Dojo, JSON, AJAX (Java is a must)
- Good knowledge and experiences in OO, OSGi, REST, Web2.0, multi-thread programming, high-concurrency environment, design patterns
- Having skills and experiences in following technologies is a big plus:
Virtualization (KVM, PowerVM, VMware, etc.), Storage (Volume Manager, NAS, SAN, iSCSI, SVC, etc), IBM Power Systems, Unix, Linux, Database, IBM Systems Director and VMControl, Tivoli (TSAM/TPM/TPC), distributed system, NoSQL DB (Cassandra, HBase, Riak, etc.), Distributed synchronization (Zookeeper, etc.), large scale enterprise system, SOA, web service, network management, monitoring system
- Solid understanding of large scale enterprise software development process and agile process
- Excellent communication skills and excellent team player
- Excellent trouble shooting skills
- Fluent English
Other requirement
Please send your resume to
xuejb@cn.ibm.com for interview. Thanks.
FROM 202.108.130.*