【 以下文字转载自 IBM 讨论区 】
发信人: redwin (redwin), 信区: IBM
标 题: IBM CSDL DB2 for z/OS QA 招聘实习生
发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Mar 14 09:58:56 2012), 站内
IBM CSDL Group: DB2 for z/OS QA team
Position Available: 1
Location: Beijing
Internship status: At least 4 full working days per week
Responsibility:Develop tools for DB2 for z/OS QA
Welcome to join us!
1. Major in computer science or related, good education background.
2. Rich experience on Java and J2EE.
3. Solid knowledge on database.
4. Good programming experience of using Struts, Hibernate, EJB is a plus.
有兴趣的同学请将简历发至 wuyd at cn.ibm.com, 邮件标题注明:应聘实习生
FROM 202.108.130.*