爱立信北京招聘JAVA开发实习生(自动测试框架开发),请有兴趣的同学发邮件到joe.wang@ericsson.com 邮件和简历题目格式为:实习+学校+名字+专业+年级+可实习时间,例如:实习+清华+小明+计算机+研一+半年。
Intern/Software Developer  
Job Description:  
You should be an experienced developer who knows how to create robust production applications and frameworks, and can also develop prototypes quickly. You must have a deep understanding of Java programming with good coding convention. As an intern, you will get a chance to learn how to work in a world-leading company and collaborate with engineers from different cultures.  
1. Applicants must be students in the 1st or 2nd year of Master or above with a major in information technology. 4 or 5 days per week and longer than 6 months’ full time work is a MUST.  
2. Solid Java skills (at least 3 years practical experience) and object-oriented design experience, including working knowledge of design patterns.
3. Rich experience in GUI design and JUnit.  
4. Experience in database design and SQL; MySQL a plus.  
5. Experience in development tools, e.g., Eclipse, NetBeans, Intellij IDEA, Subversion, ANT and Maven; Experience in Unix/Linux environment.  
6. Knowledge of XML, HTML and JavaScript  
7. Good communication skills. Competence of co-operate and work with people from different cultures. Excellent team work spirit.  
8. Self-motivated. Flexible and fluent in English, both oral and written  
9. Experience of Web Services is a plus  
10. Knowledge of telecom industry is a plus.
CV and Cover Letter in English.
FROM 1.202.198.*