PS: 这是一个很好的机会,在老板身上能学到很多东西,是一个全面接触HR工作的实习岗位,时间可以商量,欢迎大家投递
Elekta is a human care company pioneering significant innovations and clinical solutions for treating cancer and brain disorders.
Elekta is a high technology medical device company working with the latest technology and tools within the development of software, electronics and hardware. Our manufacturing site has recently seen major investment in the latest tools and processes required to provide an efficient manufacturing process.
Elekta was founded in 1972 by the late Lars Leksell, Professor of Neurosurgery at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. Today, Elekta solutions in oncology and neurosurgery are used in over 5,000 hospitals globally, and every day more than 100,000 patients receive diagnosis, treatment or follow-up with the help of a solution from the Elekta Group.
Elekta employs around 2,500 employees globally. The corporate headquarter is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and the company is listed on the Nordic Exchange under the ticker EKTAb.
Elekta has two legal entities, one JV, and one branch organization in China with functions of R&D, Engineering, Manufacturing, Purchasing, QA/RA, and other support functions.
Legal Entities: Elekta (Shanghai) Instruments Ltd, located in Shanghai and Beijing; Shanghai Elekta Oncology Systems Ltd, located in Shanghai
Joint Venture: Elekta BMEI (Beijing) Medical Equipment Co. Ltd, located in Beijing
Branch organization: CMS Worldwide Corp. Shanghai Rep. Office, located in Shanghai
CMS is the software development division responsible for software development around the world within the Elekta Groups
Elekta’s culture values diversity. By combining different traditions and backgrounds of all our employees we can create a positive and flexible organization.
We provide the opportunity and support to enable individuals to use their competencies to develop within a global environment.
Join us, by working together we can fight serious disease and enhance quality of life.
医科达 AB (公众)公司在华独资及合资企业
医科达 AB (公众)公司是跨国性医疗技术集团,总部设在瑞典斯德哥尔摩,并在斯德哥尔摩证交所上市。医科达 AB (公众) 公司是 医科达北研(北京)医疗器械有限公司、医科达上海软件研发中心(美国希迈仕国际公司上海代表处)、医科达(上海)医疗器械有限公司、以及上海医科达放疗设备有限公司的母公司。
医科达 AB (公众)公司在华独资及合资企业主要经营放疗和神经外科两大类产品,包括直线加速器、LEKSELL伽玛刀及其相关附属产品,致力于建立本地化的研发、生产和技术支持,为客户提供更完善的服务。我们在此虚位以待,邀您共创中国放疗和神经外科的未来。
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FROM 114.248.26.*