2012 IBM中国青出于蓝(Extreme Blue)暑期实习项目-北京项目继续招聘!
青出于蓝项目(Extreme Blue)是IBM全球专门为学生设计的参与到项目中的实习计划,每年在全球十几个城市启动。
2012年将由IBM中国开发中心(CDL),IBM中国系统与科技开发中心(Greater China Systems & Technology Lab),IBM中国研究院(China Research Lab),大中华区客户中心(GCG Client Center)和金融事业部(Finance Service Sector)精心挑选了11个项目,超过40名2013年毕业的优秀学生将有机会加入到这个激动人心的实习计划中来。
Project 1 - Healthcare BAO: Patient Risk Assessment Decision Support System based on Watson and SPSS
Project Description:
Business Analytics and Optimization (BAO) solution and software are emerging and critical technology trend for today's IT industry, which focus on leveraging frontier data management, data warehouse, unstructured analytics and data mining etc analytics technology into business applications and solutions.
Smarter Healthcare is key industry of IBM Smarter Planet Strategy, while the China healthcare market is under fast growth in the past years, and also key part of 5-growth initiative of GCG mission.
Combining these two important IT industry and market trends, BAO based Healthcare Analytics solutions and markets are emerging and getting rapidly development. For these reason, IBM China Development Lab is launching the "Healthcare BAO: Patient Risk Assessment Decision Support System" EB project and now recruiting for best talents to participate and enjoy this interesting and challenging exploration. Hope you could be the ones!
This project is targeting on design and implement a Intelligent Patient Risk Assessment Decision Support System PoC and Demo, which targeting on assisting the doctor and patients to evaluate the patient risk and safety based on clinical data for certain disease.
The Patient Risk Assessment is the fundamental to many healthcare killer applications with huge business demands, for example, the patient safety issue for post surgical patients may generate more than five million RMB clinical cost and tens of lawsuits in single 3A hospital per year, therefore, today’s hospitals requires for such risk management solution as operational business intelligence for hospital administrator which generate big market for Patient Risk Assessment system. On the other hand, Patient Risk Assessment can be also applied to help healthcare provider to generate more revenue, for example, it’s reported that Patient Triage System based on personalized risk assessment for clinics, community hospital and ER can greatly improve operational efficiency even some time with 25% patient capacity, which also a big market in China and worldwide hospital market.
This system will leverage and integrate the data warehousing and unstructured and structure data analytics capability from Cognos, SPSS, InfoSphere Predictive Content Analytics, and Watson technologies etc IBM products and technologies. The output of the project, including solution design and implementation, analytic model and data processing best practices can be contribute to IBM Business Analytics product development, enabler to novel BAO business solutions, or commercialization via joint-solution development with IBM Business Partner in local market and worldwidely.
Technical goals
A PoC and demo system will be built. The output of the project, including solution design and implementation, analytic model and data processing best practices can be contribute to BM Business Analytics product development, enabler to novel BAO business solutions, or commercialization via joint-solution development with IBM Business Partner in local market and worldwidely.
Business goals
The output of this project, including solution design and implementation, analytic model and data processing best practices can be contribute to BA product development. It's also will be applied to marketing and business events to drive IBM healthcare business pipeline. thanks!
technical interns - 2
1 Developer with Chinese Natural Language Processing background skill focusing on the Watson/UIMA/ICPA part development (unstructured data process module development)
1 Developer with Database and BI background on DB2/Cognos/SPSS related BI development
location - Beijing
Project 2 - NewSQL, a scale-out data solution for Bigdata and DataCloud
Project Description
Recently the volume of data is increasing rapidly, and how to store, manage and query large scale data is becoming an important and critical issue, especially for cloud centric database applications or services. These services requires to meet the requirements of internet scale OLTP including low latent response time, ACID and SQL interface, also requires to have the scalability and availability functionality commonly to support hundreds of terabyte to petabyte data on large clusters of shared nothing commodity low cost hardware. NoSQL and traditional SQL database cannot handle these requirements, so we provide NewSQL solution for these large scale cloud database applications.
Traditional parallel database solution is too expensive and restricted to handle the increasing of datasets. The implementation of MapReduce framework attracts tremendous interests as a large scale unstructured and structural data storage and computation framework on large clusters of shared-nothing commodity low cost hardware, which has advantage on cost-effective, scalability and fault-tolerant. But it requires higher learning curve and coding cost to utilize the data in a MapReduce platform, since the service provider or application programmer have to implement low level access operations. Hive, Pig and Jaql focuses on some requirements of OLAP on structured data processing.
The leading Internet innovators use a set of new design patterns for their data architecture. There are more and more applications for NewSQL from our enterprise customers, which are looking for a highly distributed, highly scalable & low cost solution with reasonable capabilities for query and transaction.
The main differences among data grid/cache products, NoSQL databse and NewSQL are as the following:
l Data grid/cache products, such as ExtremeScale, designed to store data in memory to increase application and database performance, covering a spectrum of data management capabilities from nonpersistent data caching to persistent caching, replication, and distributed data and compute grid functionality. They don’t consider ACID.
l NoSQL databases designed to meet scalability requirements of distributed architectures and/or schema-less data management requirements, including big tables, key value stores, document database and graph databases. Most NoSQL databases support weak consistency. And they support only OLAP applications instead of OLTP. The interface is not familiar to the developers and existing applications have to be re-developed.
l NewSQL database can meet scalability and high availability requirements of distributed architectures or to improve performance, including supporting multiple storage engines, transparent sharding technologies, software and hardware appliances. Existing application can be migrated seamlessly and the developer can develop new applications based on SQL.
This project will provide a NewSQL solution and build a NewSQL data store prototype to match customer requirements.
Technical goals
Provide a highly distributed, highly scalable & low cost solution with reasonable capabilities for query and transaction.
Business goals
Support IBM Bigdata and cloud strategy. Match customers new emerging workload requirement.
Technical interns - 1
Technical skills including:
Familiar with cloud data store(such as HBase, MongoDB, Cassandra, etc.)
Familiar with JAVA application development.
RDBMS knowledge is a Plus.
Location: Beijing
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