爱迪德公司是内容安全保护领域的全球领先提供商,专为数字电视、IPTV和移动环境下的数字内容保护提供全方位的解决方案。公司总部彼邻荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹,并在全球各地均设立有支持、销售和研发分公司。爱迪德公司的目标是为运营商们提供世界一流的、能支持如订制,按次付费,预付费,视频点播,PVR 和Push VOD等大范围业务收入模式的安全保护解决方案,从而不断增长运营商在内容业务上的收益。拥有近40年付费媒体经验的爱迪德公司可提供基于硬件和基于软件的解决方案。
本科日薪:120 CNY 研究生日薪: 150 CNY (实习时间:6个月-12个月)
Role description
We are looking for a talented student, who has good learning potential and is willing to learn one of the world best Conditional Access system and gain the experience in pay media operation.
Test and Optimize the configuration of customers’ system
Verify the returned smartcards
Maintain the customers’ profiles and ATP documents
Maintain the lab environment of customer care team
Work closely with the customer care engineer to achieve customer satisfaction
o Positive and enthusiastic team player with the ability to work independently
o Dynamic, customer orientated and willing to accept responsibilities
o Strong interpersonal and communication skills
o A good command of the English language, both oral and written
o Self-starter, willing to learn and the ability to work under pressure
Required Skills:
Working conditions
Good English and Chinese communication skills
College degree in computer science or related area
Thorough knowledge of Windows and SQL databases
Reasonable knowledge of network infrastructure (VLAN, switching and routing)
Act as a good team player and is capable of working through long hours and under pressure
简历请发送至 liu.yi@irdeto.com
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※ 来源:·水木社区
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