NVIDIA招聘TESLA/CUDA MANUAL TESTING QA ENGINEER (Intern),有意向的同学可以发送简历到sasu@nvidia.com ,邮件的主题请采用求职职位+姓名+一周可以实习的天数+可以开始实习的时间,如果已经参加过NV的笔试或者面试,请在邮件中说明,谢谢。欢迎大家加入NV~~
- Maintain and execute driver test plan, toolkit, and other benchmark software on a daily basis
- identify software issues, file bugs, follow up with bugs and drive them to closure
- On demand full sanity, partial comprehensive testing and verification of bug fixes.
- Set up and maintain test system infrastructures
- Ad hoc testing of applications using GPU for compute
- Regression of customer issues on hardware/software platforms, bugs triage is a major part of this effort.
- current master degree students in EE or CS -Excellent problem-solving and critical thinking
- Strong verbal and written communication skills
- Solid Linux skill is a must
- Strong windows skill
- Hands-on experience with hardware and software configuration is plus
- Familiar with GPU computing is a plus
- Preferable working 5 days a week
FROM 203.18.50.*