【求创新,成威睿,云时代,领未来】2013 VMware CPD暑期实习招募啦!
2013暑假你准备好了吗? VMware CPD Summer Intern 开始招聘啦!有兴趣的同学请发简历至 resume-china@vmware.com
职位SVPC (System Virtualization Partitioning & Clustering) CIM Provider
- Computer science or related major
- Hands-on experience on Linux platform, system configuration, system admin
- C/C++ and Java programming, POSIX/UNIX systems programming
Script programming, Python preferred
- Good communication (Chinese and/or English).
- Quick learning, creative thinking and strong analytical skills.
- Passion for work and ability to work under pressure.
- Design and develop SVPC (System Virtualization Partitioning & Clustering) CIM providers to provide industry standard system virtualization management interface for ESXi.
(Please send your resume to jying@mvware.com & copy sren@vmware.com )
职位Virtual Networking Security checker
Computer science or relative major
hands-on experience on Linux platform, system configuration, system admin, scripting etc
hands-on experience on network sniffering, attacking
layer 2 and layer 3 network protocols, TCPIP stack.
C programming, POSIX/UNIX systems programming
good communication (Chinese and/or English)
Develop a VM to attack the ESX host's network. Help to find the security vulnerabilities of the host and/or the virtual network system.
Design and develop security attacking automation scripts/applications.
Analyse the exploit and attacking tools from public security forum.
(Please send your resume to sunk@vmware.com & copy sren@vmware.com )
职位CoreSummary for Linux GuestOS
- Computer science or related major
- Hands-on Experience of Linux Kernel debugging
- hands-on experience on Linux platform, system configuration, system admin
- Familiar with Linux Kernel or other UNIX system kernel.
- C programming, POSIX/UNIX systems programming
Script programming, Python preferred
- Good communication (Chinese and/or English).
- Develop coredump summary of Linux. That automatically collects debug info for Linux core dump, and analyzes the crash core dump.
(Please send your resume to hillzhao@vmware.com & copy sren@vmware.com )
职位MetricTool Enhancements
- Exceptionally smart, hard-working, has a can-do attitude and strong team work
- Strong background on web development backend and frontend
- Programming skills in Python language
- Good experience on web framework development like Django/Spring/RoR
- Familiar with JavaScript, jQuery experience is a big plus
- Database operation and configuration
- Web server configuration
- Experience on bug tracking tool like Bugzilla is a big plus
Projects may provide hands-on experience in:
- Project experience on Linux-like platform
- Have interested in web development
- Experience working in a leading multi-international company
(Please send your resume to ssqian@vmware.com & copy sren@vmware.com )
VMware(纽约证交所代码:VMW)在虚拟化和云计算基础架构领域处于全球领先地位,所提供的经客户验证的解决方案可通过减少复杂性以及实现更加灵活、敏捷的服务交付来提高 IT 效率。 VMware 使企业可以采用能够解决其独有业务难题的云计算模式。 VMware 提供的方法可在保护现有投资并提高安全性和控制力的同时,加快向云计算转变的速度。 拥有 400,000多家客户和 55,000多家合作伙伴,VMware 解决方案可帮助各种规模的组织降低成本、提高业务敏捷性并确保选择自由,通过IT的变革实现业务转变。
加盟全球虚拟化和云计算基础构架领先企业 VMware,与我们一同踏上云计算之旅,为减少IT复杂性、降低成本、转变IT为企业提供服务的方式而贡献自己的力量!
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