代发实习招聘,戴姆勒大中华区投资有限公司Quality Engineering Center招聘实习生。
部门同事马上要离职,帮team找一个successor,该职位主要帮助Quality Engineering Team做事,做一些质量分析的工作。公司办公环境很好,Team里的人都很Nice,希望可以招到一个称职的successor,需要工科背景,英语口语熟练的同学。
Duration of internship: 6 months (fulltime)
Preferred starting date: ASAP
Location: BBAC (大兴区北京奔驰)
Brief Description of Assignment:
a) General support in QEC daily operations in terms of quality analysis, part shipment, part routing and recovery activities
b) Analysis of existing IT-systems (QEC-Tool) and Bug fixing of QEC – Tool during daily operations
c) Functional expansion of current IT program (QEC-Tool) to the functions of reporting and handling of supplier recovery
d) Evaluation of different solutions and profitability analysis
Qualification Requirement:
a) Outstanding performance in university, good command of MS Access, MS Excel and PowerPoint
b) Very good skills in communication, analytical skills, ability to cope with different cultures, fluent command of English
c) Integrity, liability, sense of responsibility
d) Study of business informatics, information management or similar branch of study
e) Good knowledge in VBA and SQL programming
f) Conformity with compliance
将简历及邮件主题以中文格式"申请职位_姓名_学校(简称即可)_年级_专业"命名;大四学生请注明是否保研,研究生请注明毕业年份;如:HR_李某_人大_研二_英语_2013年6月毕业;或 ITM_张某_北邮_大四_已保研
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