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发信人: ugordon (ugordon), 信区: Career_PHD
标 题: Postdoc and intern positions, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Jun 15 17:57:02 2013), 站内
代人发帖,请感兴趣者直接联系Dr. Chang.
Postdoc and intern positions, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
1. Job Title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Wireless Communications and Networking
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Academia Sinica, the most eminent national research institution in Taiwan, provides a well-developed research environment for about 600 postdoctoral fellows. Each year, Academia Sinica offers a favourable research opportunity for both domestic and international postdoctoral researchers. Candidates can easily find their fields of interests in versatile areas of mathematics and physical sciences, life sciences, humanities and social sciences at Academia Sinica.
The Research Center for Information Technology Innovation (CITI) at Academia Sinica was founded in February 2007, with the purpose to integrate the research and development activities in information technologies among various organizations in Academia Sinica, and also to further leverage IT-related multi-disciplinary research. Currently, CITI has three thematic centers, namely, Grid & Scientific Computing Center, Taiwan Information Security Center, Intelligent & Ubiquitous Computing Center. The mission of CITI is to promote the innovation and application of information technologies, with emphases on exploring the enabling technology for essential infrastructure and also on integrating inter-disciplinary technologies so as to provide the key ingredients that are invaluable for the upcoming knowledge-based and service-based societies.
This Research Associate/Postdoc position is in the general area of wireless communications, networking, signal processing, and biomedical applications. This position requires a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, computer science, mathematics, or a related field. The duty of this position is to publish research results in international journals and conferences. The starting monthly salary is around NT$56,000-60,000, plus a benefits package of a year-end bonus and health insurance.
Qualified candidates are also eligible for applying for merit-based Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Academia Sinica with a generous package of salary (NT$60,000-$83,000 per month) and subsidies (visit Personal Website below for more information).
2. Job Title: Research Intern in Wireless Communications and Networking
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Internship at CITI is a full-time employment for the duration of the internship during summer or non-summer months. The duration and appointment time are flexible. This position requires a minimum M.S. in electrical engineering, computer science, mathematics, or a related field. Graduate students currently pursuing a Ph.D. in some university are encouraged to apply. Successful candidates will work closely with CITI researchers in one or more of the following areas depending on their interest: MIMO, OFDM/OFDMA, resource allocation, modulation and coding, cognitive radio, cooperative communications, networking, security, signal processing, biomedical applications, wireless power transfer. The duty of this position is to publish research results in international journals and conferences. The starting monthly salary is around NT$36,000-39,000 for M.S. degree holders, plus a benefits package of a year-end bonus and health insurance.
Interested candidates are invited to send in their applications via email to Dr. Ronald Y. Chang (rchang@citi.sinica.edu.tw) by indicating the job title in the email subject line:
1. CV (including education, publications, research-related experience, work experience, honors, references)
2. Transcripts
3. Anything else that you think will enhance your qualifications (e.g., copies of any papers that you have published in English)
Department Website:
http://www.citi.sinica.edu.tw/Personal Website:
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