1. 深入学习所负责产品,跟进所负责功能的设计、开发、测试、上线、bug修复、数据分
析和以及玩家反馈 ;
2. 负责游戏版本的日常更新和发布 ;
3. 研究用户需求,模拟用户行为,反复测试游戏,进行各维度的数据挖掘,发现潜在问
题,提出方案不断改善用户体验 ;
4. 研究和分析其它社交游戏,规划游戏新功能 ;
5. 与技术、运营、美术等部门密切合作,进行资源协调,降低项目风险,推进并保证项
1. 重点大学理工科专业毕业,本科及以上学历,希望在社交游戏领域长期发展;
2. 英语六级,听说读写优秀,口语流利;
3. 学习能力强,具有非常严谨的逻辑思维能力和优秀的数据分析能力,对各项数据指标
4. 喜欢创新和挑战,具有很强的发现问题、独立分析和解决问题的能力;
5. 工作积极性和主动性强,努力负责、谦虚细心,有很强的上进心和事业心 ;
6. 优秀的团队合作能力,和产品团队内部、技术、美术和运营团队都能进行高效的沟通
合作 ;
7. 具有较强的抗压能力,有恒心有毅力,不轻易放弃 ;
8. 实习生每周工作至少4天(周一-周五)
1. 2年及以上工作经验,对社交游戏行业有浓厚的兴趣 ;
2. 具备一定技术功底,能够充分理解各项产品功能的技术背景 ;
3. 对游戏产品的开发工作流程有一定了解 ;
4. 社交游戏公司、移动游戏公司、国外互联网公司、大型社交网站的优秀产品经理优先
5. 性格开朗、适应能力强,善于与人沟通,能很快融入团队 ;
6. 思维敏捷,对新事物接受快,善于听从别人的建议,不固执 ;
7. 喜欢国际化的工作环境,拥有创业的激情和对成功的渴望
FunPlus Game (www.funplus.com) is an US-China based game company whose target
areas of growth primarily focus on Europe and North American market. Our gam
es cover multiple platforms such as Facebook, IOS and Android. Every day, mil
lions of people around the world play our games with their friends and family
. Our signature game has over 400 million DAU on Facebook, and ranked as Top
1 among all Asian game companies on Facebook platform. You may enjoy your jou
rney on playing our games of Family Farm, Royal Story, Family Farm Seaside, a
nd Slots.
Our founding team consists of serial entrepreneurs and Silicon Valley veteran
s, and we already have a superb team. We believe only GREAT people make GREAT
things. People are always the most valuable asset to us. We have offices and
teams in Beijing, Xi'an, Bay Area, Canada and Pakistan.
*May 2010, FunPlus was founded in China and the US
*October 2010, first game "Family Farm" launched in VZ network, Germany
*June 2011, “Family Farm” launched in Facebook
*November 2011, FunPlus raised record-breaking funds in Series A round
*January 2012, 3+ Million DAU in Facebook, “WOW” top1 in Asia gaming compan
FROM 221.122.61.*