Company: 戴姆勒大中华区投资有限公司/Daimler Greater China Ltd.
公司类型:外资 规模:1000-9999人 公司行业:汽车/摩托车(制造/维护/配件/销售/服务/租赁) 加工制造(原料加工/模具) 大型设备/机电设备/重工业 金融/银行/投资/基金/证券/期货
Location: Daimler Tower, 8 Wangjing Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Position1: Intern
Job description:
1. Provide comprehensive support to Van marketing events, including advertisement,auto show, industry exhibition, etc;
2. Coordinate wiht internal departments,external agencies and business partners;
3. Provide necessary support to whole functions of Van team;
4. Complete the tasks arranged by department accordingly.
Qualification Requirements:
1. Undergraduate or postgraduate student at least one year before graduation;
2. Good Microsoft office skills, especially Excel, PPT, Word,etc;
3. Good command of English;
4. Good communication skills.
Position2: Intern
Job description:
1. Majorly support Senior Manager of Van Sales&Marketing in daily business;
2. Support whole functions of Van team;
3. Provide necessary support to whole functions of Van team;
4. Complete the tasks arranged by department accordingly.
Qualification Requirements:
1. Undergraduate or postgraduate student at least one year before graduation;
2. Proficiency in using Microsoft Office;
3. Good command of English.
1) 一周五天的工作时间及六个月的全职实习必须保证, 且实习期间必须保持学生身份;
2) 请注意申请职位工作地点(北京为戴姆勒大厦:望京街8号院);工作开始时间(多数工作要求近期开始);
3) 请将中英文简历置于同一word中(勿压缩)以附件形式发送到
4) 请务必将简历及邮件主题以中文格式"申请职位_姓名_学校(简称即可)_年级_专业"命名;大四学生请注明是否保研,研究生请注明毕业年份;如:HR_李某_人大_研二_英语_2013年6月毕业;或 ITM_张某_北邮_大四_已保研
5) 无法保证全职实习,且近期无法开始工作者,请勿投递;非标准邮件主题形式将被自动过滤,感谢配合!
薪酬福利:3000元人民币/月, 六个月内7.5天带薪年假,平均每月为1.25天。
FROM 116.213.136.*