Want a sneak preview of what it means to be a consultant? Are you intrigued by the possibility of charting your own career path? Do you seek to move beyond mere theory to make a lasting differ-ence? Do you consider teamwork an opportunity for personal growth?
If so, we encourage you to apply for a Summer Associate Program at The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Beijing Office. BCG is the world's leading strategy consulting firm with over 81 offic-es in 45 countries. As the world's leading advisor on business strategy, BCG is growing, and our growth creates a path for yours.
Our internship program gives students from a range of disciplines the opportunity to learn more about what a career in consulting can offer. During this eight-week summer program, our summer associates work on real projects and benefit from BCG's excellent trainings and development op-portunities.
What we are looking for in a Summer Associate:
* A third-year undergraduate student or penultimate-year graduate school student
* Outstanding academic record
* Demonstrated leadership capabilities and teamwork skills
* High intellectual curiosity, energy, and personal integrity
* Excellent communication and presentation skills in both English and Mandarin.
If you are interested in getting the true feel of the BCG experience and the life of a consultant, please submit your application through
https://onlineapplication.bcg.com by 10:00 a.m., Thurs-day, March 13, 2014. Please indicate BCG Beijing office as first priority in geographic pref-erence.
A full application will require a cover letter and resume. Please state your academic perfor-mance (school, expected degree, publications, etc.), extracurricular activities (student associations, pro bono work, etc.), and work experience (full time, part-time, or internships).
* Cover letter (in English)
* Résumé (in both English and Chinese)
* A copy of your academic transcripts
For enquiries, please contact BCG Beijing recruiting team at 010-8527 9000 or by e-mail at prc.rec@bcg.com.
FROM 59.66.111.*